NanoSilica Foliar Spray


SinC GH 13 mineral Foliar Spray is an amino acid-peptide-based organic Nitrogen (N) solution fortified with 12 mineral Homogenous Nano Technology. Each nanoparticle is a homogenous compound of 11 essential plant mineral nutrients (P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo) loaded on a bio-available, non-reactive, Silica (Si) carrier, and suspended in a bioavailable Organic Nitrogen solution.

4 Litre Bottle

Treats 4 acres

1 Litre Bottle

Makes 200 L


SKU: FG-SI-4L Category: Enviro Health Floral Growth


Homogenous Formulation

The delivery of nutrients as an Ultra Small homogenous package boosts photosynthetic efficiency, increasing glucose production (Brix) and ATP cell energy. Increasing Brix and ATP levels accelerate carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption and overall natural plant functions.

Nano-Sized Particles

How Small is Ultra Small? 1 inch = 25 Millimetres (mm), 1mm = 1000 Micrometres (microns), 1 micron = 1000 Nanometers. SinC’s homogeneous particles range in size from 10 – 20 Nanometers.

Silica Carrier Benefits

Silica strengthens plant cell walls, adding another layer of protection against attack. In addition, it improves plant resilience to environmental stress and helps regulate uptake of water and nutrients.

What is it and how does it work?



When sprayed onto the leaves of annual plants, SinC SC’s homogenous nutrient nanoparticles enter the plant through the cracks and crevices between leaf cells called plasmodesmata. The goal is to reach the cell communication pathway, known as the cytoplasm, with the complete mineral requirements plants need to perform essential plant functions, such as cell division (AKA growth), immune defence responses, and reproductive development.

It’s important to note that the deeper into the plasmodesma on the way to the cytoplasm, the stronger the negative ionic charge. Conventional foliar products composed of only one chelated mineral struggle to achieve efficient nutrient availability due to polar charges, and this is why the best foliar products carry a neutral charge. SinC SC’s homogenous nanoparticles are comparable in size and charge to the best-chelated mineral molecules. Still, the homogenous composition of 14 minerals provides unmatched mineral bio-availability for use in plant functions.

What it does: Facilitates the Carbon Cycle


Glucose root exudates feed beneficial soil biology

As they grow, beneficial soil microorganisms perform a process referred to as Bio Mining. Microorganisms affixed on insoluble nutrient minerals in the soil break the chemical bonds through enzyme secretion and release individual nutrients to the plant in an ionic form.

SinC foliar biostimulant increases foliar glucose levels (BRIX count)

Once plant Brix counts get over 12, plants are highly resistant to insects and pathogens. In addition, plants treated with Sinc SC foliar spray become more vigorous, increase their Brix count, absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and facilitate a liquid carbon pathway that oozes carbohydrates through their roots into the soil matrix.

Additional information

Weight4 kg
Dimensions15 × 15 × 31 cm

Boost Photosynthetic Efficiency & Increase Systemic Acquired Resistance (Disease Suppression)


Foliar Rates:
2.4 L per hectare,
34 fl oz per acre

24 ml per 100 m2
0.8 fl oz per 1000 sq ft

Propagation Rates:
2 ml of SinC per L of water
200 ml of final solution per tray

General Dilution Rates
5 ml per litre
Maximize 0.5% of the final solution

Apply every7-14 days


Silica, Amino Peptides, Organic Acids, Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulphate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Iron Sulphate, Manganese Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Copper Sulphate, Sodium Borate, Sodium Molybdate.


Liquid Concentrate


Keep out of reach of children. Do not ingest. For handling and first aid precautions please see Safety Data Sheet. Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at

Follow appropriate safety procedures, In case of accidental exposure, flush with plenty of water. Minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves and eye protection are recommended. Do not allow product to contact open wounds. Product is non-hazardous.


1 Litre Bottle, 4 Litre Bottle

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is SinC applied?

    SinC is applied as a foliar treatment applied every 7-14 days.


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