Clean Flo SL (Sludge) is a dry, synergistic blend of thirteen gram-positive natural, non-pathogenic strains of BioSafety Level 1, endospore-forming Bacilli, and two strains of BioSafety Level 1, gram-negative vegetative bacteria. Clean Flo SL combats problems found in sludge at the bottom of water features, ponds, lakes, and rivers. Particularly sulfides, mercaptans, ammonia, fatty acids, nitrates, and other sources of odour and pollution, while greatly increasing the rate of denitrification. Clean Flo SL will break the cycle of sludge buildup, fish suffocation, off-flavour (in aquaculture applications), algae crashes, and over-growth of weeds. Keeping the pond bottom clean will reduce stress on your valuable fish and crustacean crops, allowing them to maintain healthy immune systems and grow strong. Clean Flo SL is effective at temperatures as low as 48°F (9°C) and as high as 96°F (35.5°C), and in a pH range of 4.5 to 8.5, with the optimum near 7.0.
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